Get Involved

Backed by robust union and political support, Landon stands poised to deliver invaluable resources to our community, driving meaningful change and progress for all. But he needs your help to get us over the finish line. The future of The Bronx is in our hands.

Let’s do this.

Fill out the form and we will be in touch with more information. Not sure how you want to help? Check out just a few ideas below!

How You Can Help


By contributing to the campaign, you can provide essential resources for advertising, staffing, and outreach efforts, helping us reach a wider audience and effectively convey our message to voters.


You can actively participate by helping with door-to-door canvassing or organizing events, playing a crucial role in grassroots mobilization and community engagement efforts.

Make calls

Directly connect with voters to gather support, provide information on our platform, or remind them about the upcoming election. This is a vital part of voter outreach and mobilization.

Collect signatures

Help ensure Landon’s eligibility for the ballot by collecting signatures from registered voters to meet legal requirements for securing the necessary support for his official candidacy.

Send postcards

Personalized letters or postcards to potential voters are an impactful way to share Landon’s message, fostering connections within the community while encouraging voter turnout and engagement.

Get out the vote

Assist in organizing transportation, providing polling locations and hours, and encouraging people to cast their ballots – a pivotal role in maximizing voter participation and ensuring success on election day.